Tricks for getting through the night shift

When working a night shift, you will find that the forces of nature are against you. This is because everyone’s internal clock is set to sleep at night and wake up when there’s daylight. This means that no matter how much sleep you have had through the day, you will still find yourself struggling to get through the night. There are however some little tricks you can do, that will help trick your body clock into thinking, your up at the right time.

 SAD lighting

One of the best hacks you can use against you body clock is a SAD alarm. SAD is a condition that many people suffer from all across the world. It makes people depressed when they do not get enough vitamin D, through channels such as sunlight. However to combat this, someone has invented a light which emits the same vitamins as the sun. This light which can be used for as little as five minutes, can top up your body with all the daylight it is missing out on through the day. Effectively tricking your body clock into thinking it is day time. Although these lights can be expensive, they are more than worth their money.


Another little hack that you can use against your body clock is, something that also battles jet lag. With this technique, you start the day before you have your night shift or flight. The way that you do it, is by sleeping through the day and waking up at night. As soon as you wake up have your breakfast and then a few hours later your lunch. Even if you are not hungry. The food that you eat sends signals to your brain letting it know that it morning. Even if it is night time. Then the day you wake up to do your shift carry on with breakfast first thing and lunch a few hours after. Your body clock will effectively be retrained into thinking it is day time when it is not. Making it much easier for you to stay awake.


Of course there are always the more unhealthy options too. Some people find that keeping themselves awake for a twenty four hour period and then sleeping at the time they want to, is effective. As your body is so tired it goes straight to sleep. However this can be very detrimental to your health. As it has been suggested that missing just one nights sleep can knock a whole day off your life. This has never been proved though. So the risk is really your call.

Another method of staying up is caffeine. Whether from drinking coffee or energy drinks, or even taking caffeine pills. There is nothing wrong with using this method from time to time. However if you use this method on a regular basis you may find yourself developing health problems. You may also find yourself growing dependent on the caffeine, finding it hard to function without it. If you are getting to this point or have already reached this point, then you need to start looking at alternative methods. As caffeine stimulates the brain and makes it jumpy. Meaning that it can actually stop you from being able to focus. This could potentially be dangerous if you are working with heavy lifting or machinery.

There are loads of different methods to keeping yourself awake throughout a night shift. With many of them being quick and simple to do. If you want to find out more ways of keeping yourself up at night then follow these links, for more great ways to hack your body clock.

How to Interview for your First Job

Congratulations, you are now part of the world’s budding workforce! As a first-time applicant, you might feel some butterflies in your stomach prior to your first interview. This is completely normal; it is merely a matter of getting over the first-time jitters.

Want to impress your first prospective employer? Then here are some tips that can help you ace your first-ever job interview:

Come prepared.

Winning the battle (or your job interview) entails careful preparation. If you want to get hired, then you must come to the battlefield prepared. Before that dreaded schedule, make sure to do the following:

  • Learn more about the company. In this digital age, researching about a firm is as easy as searching it online. Brushing up your knowledge about the company can help you during the interview.
  • Research more about the job. What is the job you are applying for? What are the responsibilities that it entails? You need to know these fully before you step inside the interview room.
  • Stream some job interview videos. Want to know how to conduct yourself in an interview? There are many helpful how-to videos that you can watch online.
  • Practice the interview portion. Ask a family member or a friend to simulate the interview for you. Ask them for feedback and suggestions right after.

Be early for the interview.

Make a good impression on the interviewer by arriving earlier than the specified time. Not only will this give you the chance to navigate through the mazes en route to the location, this will show the interviewer that you are truly committed to the opportunity that he has given to you.

Demonstrate proper posture.

Do not slouch or hunch your shoulders. Keep your back straight, even if it is a little bit uncomfortable. Remember, the interview is just for a few minutes.

Establish eye contact.

Don’t be shy – look straight into the eyes of the interviewer. Avoid looking into other directions (specifically that of the ceiling or the floor.) Establishing eye contact shows that you are confident about yourself and your skills – even if you are just a new applicant.

Listen closely.

Your sweaty palms and palpitating heart might be distracting you, but do make sure to listen intently to what the interviewer has to say. If not, you might end up answering the question incorrectly. Do not be shy to say “Beg your pardon” if you do not understand some aspects of his questions.

Be calm and collected.

Your heart might be racing, but you don’t have to show it! During your interview, stay as calm and collected as possible. Flush out the negativity in your head and focus on what the interviewer has to say. If you feel overwhelmed, pause for a while and take a deep breath. Collect your thoughts before you respond once again.

Be confident.

You might be a newbie who does not know much about the industry – this is expected. But this does not mean that you should be negative about your lack of experience. Do not be afraid to exude some confidence. Believe in yourself! For sure, this optimism will transcend to the interviewer.

Be honest.

Are there any activities that might hinder you from accomplishing your job to the fullest of your potentials? Do not be afraid to tell it to the interviewer. However, make sure to tell him that you are willing to make adjustments in order to adhere to the company’s specified schedules.

Say thank you.

Don’t be in a hurry to storm out the door. Say thank you and offer a handshake to the interviewer. After all, he has given you a chance to showcase your potentials.

Your first job interview might be nerve-wracking – but you can overcome the obstacles by following these tips. Who knows? You might be hired on your first try!

Best Ways to Unwind After Work

Feeling stressed and tired after a long day at work? Let the anxieties melt away by rewarding yourself with a pleasurable activity after heading out of the office. Escape from the clutches of paperwork (even your hotheaded boss) by rewarding yourself with any of these relaxing endeavors:

1. Exercise!

Feeling emotionally battered after a long day at the office? Chase the blues away by running around the park or hitting the gym. Exercise – while tiring – can uplift your spirit. That’s because it leads to the release of endorphins – the body’s feel-good hormones. Not only will exercise make you feel better, it can stave off the pounds that you have gained because of stress eating.

2. Stretch your muscles.

Are you too tired to do some exercises after work? Well then, you can always revert to the gentler activity that is stretching. Not only does it relax your tightened muscles (mainly due to stress), it improves range of motion and flexibility as well. Best of all, it can enhance your posture, as well as your blood circulation. These are especially helpful if you are confined to a chair for most of your day.

3. Walk Your Dog.

Are you guilty of not spending enough time with your dog? Give him the attention that he yearns for – and the stress relief you are looking for – by taking him out on a run. Not only will it give you the bonding time that you both need, a stroll with your pooch can help take your mind away from office-related problems. Who knows? You might find the pet-loving soulmate you are looking for along the way.

4. Cook.

If you are a self-confessed foodie – or better yet, a culinary rock star, then cooking after a day of hard work will definitely relieve you from the anxieties at the office. It does not matter if you follow your grandmother’s recipe. You can let it all loose and just ‘wing’ it. What matters is the cooking process, as the ability to whip up great food will surely melt your work worries right away.

5. Drink.

The bar might be your first go-to after a long day at work, but the truth of the matter is constant alcoholism will not solve your problems. However, if you are hankering for a sip of alcohol, a glass of wine should do the trick. A serving prior to hitting the sack will help you relax, chill out and calm down.

On a positive note, a glass of alcohol a day can also work wonders for your heart.

6. Read.

Take your mind off your work-related stresses by focusing your mind on a good read. Pick a good book, or catch up on the day’s hottest events by reading the newspaper. Whatever form of literary piece you choose, reading will surely take your office problems away.

7. Take a Bath.

Cleanse your mind and body simultaneously by engaging in a relaxing bath after work. Bath bubbles and aromatherapy candles are optional, but they can help eradicate the tension almost immediately!

8. Meditate.

Sometimes, a little down time is just what you need to distract your mind from work squabbles. That’s where meditation comes into play. This zen-inducing activity involves simple breathing activities that can erase the bothersome worries from the back of your head.

9. Go on a vacation.

If all else fails, then why not take a breather from the office and go on a well-deserved vacation? Seeing new sights and exploring novel territories will surely take your mind off the stresses at work. While waiting for your much-anticipated vacation leave, build up the excitement by planning your itinerary or googling the interesting sites in the city or country you wish to visit.



How to Prevent Carpal Tunnel Injuries from Working in a Warehouse

Do you often feel a sharp pain whenever you flex your wrist? How about a tingling or burning sensation? Unfortunately, these can be signs that you are suffering from a common condition often found in the warehouse: carpal tunnel syndrome.

Although this disorder is very rampant in warehouse workers, you can break free from this uncomfortable, occupation-related condition. Here are some tips that can help you prevent carpal tunnel injuries while you work your hardest:

Ergonomically-designed transporter.

Utilize ergonomically-designed controls.

Warehouse workers, especially those who operate transporters, are at a huge risk of suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome. The repetitive nature of wrist-twisting – a necessary act in order to maneuver the transporter – is said to be the culprit behind carpel tunnel injury in most employees

Since wrist-twisting cannot be avoided, the best way to circumvent the pain and discomfort associated with transporter operation is to make use of ergonomically-designed controls. Make sure to request one from your boss. After all, an operator-friendly control is definitely cheaper than health insurance claims (especially if you need to undergo surgery.)

Reduce your force and lighten your grip.

More often than not, individuals diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome make use of excessive force and tightened grips in their jobs. To prevent the development of such a disorder, make sure to reduce your force and your grip. For example, use a lighter force when operating the controls in your transporter.

Maintain the proper form.

Bending your wrist up and down frequently can lead to carpal tunnel syndrome. In order to avoid this, you need to maintain the proper form: the wrist should be relaxed and in the middle.

While manipulating your transporter, position your wrist so that it is at the height of your elbow – or lower. While carrying heavy objects, maintain the same form as well.

Mind your posture.

You might not notice it, but improper posture while carrying objects or operating the transporter can lead to carpal tunnel syndrome. How does this happen? When your back is hunched, the muscles in your neck and shoulders are gradually shortened, while neck nerves get compressed. Such nerve compression can take a toll on your wrists – and therefore lead to the development of carpal tunnel syndrome.

Take a break.

Sometimes, when you are all focused on your warehouse work, you forget to take a breather. While this might earn you points with your employer, it can lead to the development of carpal tunnel syndrome. Whenever you can, take a break – so you can stretch your wrist or give it a rest. Change your position or perform another activity in order to give your wrist its much-deserved breather.

Fingerless glove for warehouse workers.

Keep it warm.

Most carpal tunnel syndrome injuries are developed in working environments with cold temperatures. If you need to mobilize goods to extremely cold stockrooms and warehouses, make it a point to wear fingerless gloves. These can keep your wrists warm and pain-free.

Wear a wrist splint.

Overuse of the hand and the wrist, as well as constant flexing of the wrist, are some of the biggest causes of carpal tunnel syndrome. If these activities are common in your daily job, a good way to prevent the pain related with the condition is to wear a wrist splint. This can keep the affected wrist in a neutral and relaxed position.

Consume a Vitamin B6-rich diet.

New studies show that workers with carpal tunnel syndrome usually suffer from Vitamin B6 insufficiency. If you do not want to develop this work-hampering disease, then make sure to consume a diet rich in Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6.) Foods brimming with this nutrient include bran, pistachios, raw garlic, liver, fish and sesame seeds.

Foods rich in Vitamin B6.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a painful and uncomfortable condition that can minimize your productivity at work. Worse, it can lead to surgery if left untreated. So before it leads to this – follow these tips! After all, prevention is better than cure.

Tips for Filling out a Job Application

In this modern day and age, scoring a job can only be possible if you fill up the application form appropriately. While you view might this as a piece of cake, careful and thoughtful filling up will actually help get you the job you are hoping for.

Want to have a successful career switch? Then make sure to follow these tips on filling out a job application:

Read the instructions carefully.

Don’t just skim through the instructions; read them carefully. While most job application forms might have the same mechanics, some might have entirely different specifications. If you want to get that job, you need to make sure to answer the form correctly. The only way you can do that is if you follow the instructions to the tee. If you skip this, you might end up filling the form incorrectly – and this will surely be a point against you.

Keep it neat.

Want to convey a good impression? The best way to do so is to keep your form neat and tidy. Your future depends on it, for crying out loud – so avoid folding it, wrinkling it, or even tainting it with the littlest of stains.

Keep it clear.

Your application form mirrors your professionalism, so write legibly with black ink. Avoid accomplishing a form with a pencil. If you have terrible handwriting, have your answers typewritten or computerized.

No blanks please.

There might be some parts in the form that are not applicable to your case. Instead of leaving them blank, write N/A or not applicable.

Be honest.

Honesty is the best policy, especially in filling out application forms. Say you have been fired – you do not have to necessarily put the words “terminated.” Simple terms such as “Job Ended” or “Contract Ended” will demonstrate why you got out of the job – in a not-so-negative way.

Remember: When this comes up in the interview, be sure to tell the employer what happened in your previous job. But make sure to choose your words carefully! 

Be flexible about the salary.

You might have expectations about the salary – and writing a certain figure on the application form can leave you in limbo, as it might be too high or too low for the company’s standards. The safest answer is “negotiable,” as it can make you more desirable to the eyes of the employer. This means you are flexible to the terms that the firm might have at hand.

State answers that relate to the job.

Good news: you can use personal questions such as “volunteer activities” and “hobbies” to your advantage. If you have engaged in such activities that relate to the job, then make sure to put it in. For example, if you are applying for a teaching job, then make sure to include your education-related voluntary stints in college.

Make sure that all the data are accurate.

Ensure that all the entries you put there – your references’ names, addresses and contact numbers – are accurate and updated. Your prospective employer might call them up – and if he comes across a wrong number – your chances of getting hired will surely go down the drain. Don’t waste his valuable time!

Most importantly, proofread your application form!

You might have followed all the aforementioned tips – but if you do not proofread your application form, your efforts might end up in futility. Wrong figures, spellings, grammar and syntax can make the employer think that you are sloppy. Of course, you do not want this! Proofread your form at least 2 to 3 times before sending it in.

Carefully filling out a job application form is one of the most crucial steps to employment. Don’t waste your golden chance! Follow the aforementioned tips in order to get your hands on that prized work opportunity.

How to Make a Good First Impression for a Job Interview

Worried about your resume. since it is not as impressive as that of other applicants? While this might seal your deal, there is still hope! All you just need to do is make a good impression in a job interview. After all, first impressions last!  

Make yourself memorable in the eyes of the employer by keeping these interview tips in mind:

1. Be early.

be on time

Even if you are familiar with the place of interview, it pays to come early. This will give you enough time to park your car – or walk if there’s no spot near the building. You don’t want to get into the room all sweaty and jittery just because you had to run two blocks in order to reach the building.

2. Have all of the needed documents ready.

You might be asked about your former projects – of course, the best way to show your worth is to have all the pertinent documents in tow. While you might have done promising projects, don’t store them in dirty, stained folders. At least transfer them in a new set of folders before attending the job interview.

3. Dress Appropriately.

You might be a shirt and jeans type of guy, but save this staple for casual day outs. For job interviews, you need to dress appropriately. For men, come to the interview in a suit and tie. For women, a formal blouse paired with pants or a skirt is recommended.

Jewelries and fragrances should be kept to a minimum, so avoid bathing yourself with your favorite pour homme. Make sure to sport trimmed fingernails during the interview as well.

4. Do the Shake.

The shake of hands, that is. Upon entering the room, extend your hand for a warm initial handshake. Even if your interviewer does not extend his hand, reaching yours shows good will.

If you constantly suffer from a case of sweaty palms, remember to wipe the moisture away with a handkerchief before entering the interview room.

5. Mind Your Posture.

Waiting outside the interview room might take much of your energy, and as a result, you might find yourself fighting the urge to slouch. When your mind tells you to slouch, don’t! Improper posture might tell the interviewer that you just don’t care enough to get the job. The interview will last for just a few minutes – so keep your head up and maintain your good posture.

6. No Filler or Fluff.

Even if you have come to the interview with much eagerness and preparedness, there is no telling when the interviewer might stump you. If you suddenly find yourself off-guard, avoid muttering filler words such as “like” or “um.” Instead, try to gain some footing (and additional thinking time) by replying with “That’s a good question.”

7. Be Positive.

Avoid saying anything negative about your past job, bosses or co-employees, as this can give the interviewer a bad impression. Relay your enthusiasm and flexibility – as these are two important factors that interviewers are looking for in a potential hire.

8. Show Your Gratitude.

Remember: the interviewer has allotted a lot of time in order to converse with you. As such, it is important that you show gratitude for the effort he has extended. While you might be in a hurry to bolt out the door because of the need to empty your bladder – take some time to extend thanks to the interviewer.

Even if you have been on the job market for a couple of years, a new job interview can render you off-guard. So if you want to get hold of a new employment opportunity, then make sure to follow these tips on how to make a good first impression for a job interview.

Amazon is known for being able to ship almost anything to anyone. Have you ever wondered how they do it? It’s not by magic. But through one of the largest networks of distribution warehouses. The network allows the internet giant ship two days and next day through out the year. As well as gear up for the crazy holiday season.

amazon distribution center inforgraphic

Sounds interesting? Check out our Amazon jobs page.

Staying Comfortable at Work

wh1Now that the weather is starting to change, it can be really easy to forget to wear the best clothes for inside the warehouse, and still keep the right attire on for the weather when you get out of work. A bit warm and yet still getting colder, those shorts and t-shirts you have probably been wearing all day long will most likely not be the best option for both all day anymore.

The best thing to do is to pick a work outfit that is right for the environment you are in all day long. Leave it at work and change clothes when you get to work and before you go home, or wear them as a first layer. Don’t forget to add more layers or change your clothes before you leave the warehouse each day: more illness is caused by striking differences in temperature and lack of proper clothing than anything else. It happens all the time – you get to the end of the working day, are hot and tired and just want to go home. You leave work hot and walk outside where it is cold and your body temperature has an immediate adverse reaction. Some people like to think that this is a good thing in that it feels like it is waking you up. What is actually happening is that your body is going through the shock of having such a quick and large change in temperature and addition of wind and rain.

wh2Certain types of fabric are better to wear when you are working than others, and knowing the difference can help you stay comfortable no matter what the weather. When you are working in a large warehouse, it is best to wear breathable fabrics, like cotton and wool, and hemp is becoming popular as well. Avoid synthetic fibers: you will end up sweating and will be uncomfortable, and probably embarrassed. Wear socks that are the right type for the weather, as you can retain a lot more heat and lose a lot as well through the improper pair of socks. You might be the type who want to get as much use out of something as possible before throwing it away, but it is not a good idea to do this with shoes. A comfortable pair of shoes is worth more than you might think! If you are the type who want to have long wearing clothes, it is worth spending extra on quality made items. Name brands are not necessary, but well made is. If you spend $100 on a really good pair of shoes and they last a couple of years, that is a lot cheaper than the $30 pair that lasts a few months.

Being comfortable at work is important to being productive, and wanting to continue with a job. Be realistic about what you will be doing all day, for how long, and in what conditions. Then do the best you can to make this time go by as comfortably and productively as possible. Find a headset, pick some music, and enjoy the time you have at work.


How To Get Through The Boring Days

manoverboardThere are times when a day at working in a distribution center can be fast paced and anything but boring. It is always nice to have a new job come in and get set up, and helps to relieve the monotony that you can sometimes face when working on the same job for a long period of time. Everyone knows that time flies when you are having fun, and can really creep along otherwise, and no one wants to face a 40 hour week where they feel each second painfully. The way you look at the job you do is very important. If you feel you are really bored, chances are you will make less of an effort through the day, and this is not ideal.

So what can you do to keep from getting bored during work and still perform the very best you can? One of the handiest things you can do is get a headset and listen to music. Every night or each morning before you go to work, download a couple new songs. Also, build up a list of your favorites, this is the best way to get through time happily and not feel like you are going to fall asleep from the boredom. Think of something that you have always wanted to learn, like a new language, and start doing so. Every night learn a few new words and sentences to use them in. Throughout the next day practice the words in your head and every day go through the whole list, not just the new ones you learned the night before. This way, the information will set in and you will always remember it. This can work with any new information, but languages work especially nice. If you are interested in history or politics, pick a book and read a few pages every day, spending the time at work to think about what you read in great detail. This will cement the new information into your mind.
If you are finding that one job in particular is really monotonous for you, ask to be changed to a different job, there are always a couple going on. Packing boxes is usually more fast paced than some of the longer processes in manufacturing and distribution centers, and will get you moving around. Sometimes all you need is a change of scene and changes posts work well for change. Also, remember that your working day is only a part of your overall day. If you can’t change your job in any way and just have to stick it out, try making life outside of work more interesting. That way you will appreciate the steadiness of your work day all the more.

Another way of passing the time is to time yourself and try and beat your old times. This will turn any boring job into something that you are trying your hardest at and in doing so, your work day will fly by faster than you expected. Your work space can never be too clean, and if you find you have time on your hands while waiting for the next part to come along, pick up around you and keep your area as clean as possible. Before you know it the day will be done, and then the week, and you will have a few days off to clear you head an create new things to think about.

Beating boredom at work: Make the most of your time

For most distribution center or warehouse jobs, boredom at work is the biggest part of the job. Even though a job can technically be easy, like packing boxes or running plastic injection molding machines, the hard part is not getting bored. The key to the job is to be able to last for a long period of time doing the same job at the same speed. This is really important if you are being paid on a piece-rate.

Finding things to think about is an essential tool to being able to last working a job like this and doing well. If you don’t have any thing to think about then the day can feel a lot longer than it has to be. If you think about it, the normal thing to do is to get up, go to work, go home, and then try to deal with situations or problems that you might be facing outside of work. Most of the time people find that there is not enough time left in the day to complete all the things they have to get done before bedtime, let alone deal with any more long term issues.

How-to-create-a-mind-map-mindmapA good thing to do with your mental time while work is to structure it in a way that makes you think about each step of what you need to get done at home, and in your personal life, such as go to the bank, pay the car insurance, buy school clothes for the kids, or attend one of their after school activities. By deciding at the beginning of the day to make a ‘mind map’ of every thing you need to do when you get out of work, you can decide while you are still at work the order in which you will do things in, what you need to buy from the store, how much it will all cost,etc. You can also make good use of your mental time by thinking about the household budgeting during this time, adding all the bills up that you need to pay for the week, subtracting that from your weekly pay, deciding what to do with the remainder, if there is any.

There are two good reasons for doing this, other than to keep from being bored. One would be that by doing so you get to make sure that you don’t forget to do anything important, and make the best use of your time by creating a logical order, but you are also working your brain, which is a very important thing to do. Working your brain is something that can easily be overlooked when a person works with their hands doing a repetitive job that really does not need much thought. Your brain is like any other muscle, it needs to have exercise or it will get weak and flabby.

Another added bonus to deciding to think in a structured way while you are working with your hands is that once you get good at it, your work rate will improve automatically, because you will find yourself thinking about things in great detail that are important outside your work life, and you will automatically start keeping your optimum work rate. It is kind of like an involuntary function and is especially good for piece-rate workers.
distribution center

There are times, of course, when you need to keep your mind on the job, for reasons of safety or quality, and this will not apply to those of you who have to do that, but to those who are in packing, or collating, this will make your life better as you will truly be using your time as wisely as possible.